The physical and chemical principles of plasma de-gluing
Author: Shenzhen three and wave of Electrical and Mechanical Technology Co., LtdIssuing Time:2017-08-03 09:02:12Pageviews:4384【smallmediumbig】
In all the way to glue, the plasma to the most simple glue. It is the use of O2 into oxygen atoms of the plasma, and then anti-corrosion agent in the C and H rapid response. Generate CO, CO2 and H2O.
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In all the way to glue, the plasma to the most simple glue. It is the use of O2 into oxygen atoms of the plasma, and then anti-corrosion agent in the C and H rapid response. Generate CO, CO2 and H2O.
In the downstream flow station, theoretically, the plasma source
produces plasma gas downstream, only neutral O and O2 reach the reaction
chamber, once the oxygen and the reaction of the resist, that is, the
formation of volatile oxides.
The ion collision increases the complexity of the process. First,
during the ion implantation period, the radiation energy is passed to
the resist, and the hydrogen comes out of the surface to produce a
surface layer such as crosslinked, carbon-rich, and diamond. In
the downstream flow to the plastic, with oxygen atoms corrosion is very
slow, remove this layer of surface layer is very difficult. In the plasma to the plastic table. The ion impact increases the rate of reaction, especially carbon-rich,
in the case where the corrosion rate of neutral oxygen corrosion low
hydrogen polymers is very low, but the effect is greater, but ion
collision and UV irradiation produce device damage.
The addition of a small amount of fluorocarbon (C2F4 or CF4) increases the rate of peeling. There
are two cases in which: (1) more free oxygen atoms are produced in the
oxygen plasma after fluoride addition; (2) the fluorine atoms may
produce lattice points of the reactive groups in the chain of the
resist, Point
and oxygen have a high coupling force, in the saturated polymer, the
fluorine atoms around the carbon atoms down to form HF, and then have a
double bond of unsaturated polymers in the fluorine may form an
additional base of the crystal Grid, the last fluorine causes the resist to separate, and the chain of the polymer is blown off.
change of the chemical corrosion mechanism of the plasma is often
related to the change of the surface activation energy. When the H2O of
H2 is added to the plasma, the activation energy of the surface is often
changed, and the activation energy of the remote oxygen ion is from
11.8 kcal / Mocha dropped to 9 kcal / mocha. The highest fluoride concentration reduces oxygen activation to 5.75 kcal / Mocha. The ion impact opens another reaction channel to glue, with an activation energy of 3.7 kcal / Mocha.
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